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God foretells before I guess I plugged one thing he’ll do first. Those dreams of the bowl now we get a pressure washer that’s not starting. So Joe here, an expert in working on machinery, and we’re gonna look through different troubleshooting techniques.
Alright, so I guess let’s just go simple. You gotta adjustable small adjustable. We’ll get one. So it’s getting good, feel good. Oh yeah, HAP you want it? Yeah, alright so that’s good. Do you know you’re, um, needleless eats not clogged? Okay, this isn’t the most efficient way of doing it but it’s the quickest. If you don’t like gas on your skin smell it then I suggest don’t do it this way.
Oh yeah, alright now we got some fresh gas in there, let’s just kick it over and see if it starts. You could just keep the air filter out, keep that open. Okay, if I now, should’ve started rude. Oh yeah, just throw a little boxing turn. Yeah, that’s better. We know we got fire. Stop, well sounds like carbs not like you said we’re not getting any gas through the carburetor.
I said we’ve got to take it all apart so in a little bit that’s in the bowl, he’s getting used up at that time when it’s firing. Is that the idea or it’s not even making it? That’s obviously makes it, no it’s it’s just staying in the bowl basically so it’s not it’s not it’s not drawing you as the engine turns that it draws the fuel through it and then into the cylinder to fire yeah but it’s not it’s not it’s not getting that far. At least I don’t think, doesn’t seem like it.
So what I mean you can’t hurt take it apart to clean it look at it anyway. Okay and then go from there. So we’re going sometimes yeah, oh you all like it should be all standard stuff. 1/4 inch 1/4 inch standard is the rib I said yeah except they had it down the shore and it was exposed to this all there and it rusted that ratchet. I managed to break it free with some PD buzzer Justin being down there yes the salt air is brewing and that’s using my grudge.
Wow, Phillips, yeah taking a stubble. Yeah, I don’t know the order of things, stereo or didn’t look it up everywhere we find out there all right just take a look of how all this stuff is situated you have to make sure you get it back together in the right way we have to drain the fuel – okay or at least pinch this off, need a bigger pair of pliers. Is that the fuel or is it the this is the fuel line that’s pretty good give this all I’d like to make these things so they come apart fairly easy yeah usually just want you to replace it you know.
Yep, this is least we’ve got video yeah we can remember we can’t remember how it goes back got wrenches putting one this 10 millimeter 10 millimeter wood but a wrench yeah cuz of the yeah the angle from the the fuel Inlet maybe that humped over hmm still can’t get it in this area this toy, it’s got me worried yeah coming through that head that’s nice and easy if you ask it on there too yeah that’s like a take a hard gasket it’s like a plastic manifold they’re still a little green.
Yesterday was national repair equipment day really instead of throwing it out there’s really such a thing yeah it’s a it was a movement to make it so you’d rather fix it and throw it out. That goes back in this rule just let that hang right you got water in there you can see the water yeah, see it’s there’s a separation
yeah so that’s what stops it you think well definitely won’t run yeah I mean water and ethanol do not mix they completely separate and the water is heavier than the ethanol so the ethanol will actually draw the ethanol in before the gas or the water so you could burn the engine up oh really easy especially it was.
Do we need a pen or something try the air compressor? Yep I don’t yet all these give this set up all the way like 90 pounds we drove it that you could yeah I wanna sometimes you blast too hard a little bit higher that’s good it’s clear now yeah see something was in there couldn’t get it.
You’ve got to get a clean stream okay two holes in the side yeah, yeah I don’t know if you could see it but it was it came out all right yeah we might have to drain this cash okay I mean if it’s if it’s got water in it yeah and it’s better to be safe to start me with do all this and then line up right back really good yeah
Tyrel so we’re draining the gas because we believe it’s contaminated kicking the can over let me think better they got the story evidence yeah and that’s clear I hope that it’s cloudy yeah junk in the bottom earth tank yeah later is a little bit of dirt and stuff in the bottom tank with not anything too major in tourism probably a filter in here mister should be Jesse check that it’s an inline filter usually only I’d put an inline filter and after water in how much too much is a bad thing if it’s just a teeny little bit what’s it this is the this is the needle.